Friday 21 October 2022

Only one visit

I fed the birds early as usual and then went to the nearest post box, it had the Thursday ticket and as it is only emptied once a day I didn’t chance it so walked to the one down Newbegin. Took a photo of the sky once I was indoors.
Bel didn’t want a visitor today as she wasn’t feeling too good. I did go into town on a hunt for a water spray, without success. I have one in the bathroom but the micro greens should be sprayed a few times a day until the roots reach the water. The veggie box arrived, takes a while to pack it away!
Tina had banking to do so we went to Beverley, couldn’t park as near as we would have liked so a bit of extra walking. Tina dropped me off at Jean’s on the way home. Had a nice chat with her as usual and Terry gave me a lift home.
I cooked some pesto salmon in the Ninja for tea, an Eden from the book I bought, turned out pretty well.
I have done some work on the hedgehog, have used five different threads so far.
Watching Liza Minnelli on the £2 DVD player bargain!


  1. You were out early. I think the postmen were on strike yesterday, which probably messed up the collections a bit. Hopefully your letter went out ok. Worth getting up early so see a lovely sky.
    Wow, the veggie boxes are always so colourful. Makes you actually want to eat it all when it looks that good. All that fruit and veg, you should be really healthy. If I could find one that was always as good as that then I think I’d give it a go.
    A little trip out to Beverly was nice. Would have been better with less walking though.
    I do like the hedgehog. It actually looks prickly, which isn’t easy with thread. No more mishaps with it I hope?
    £2 DVD player, it’s ridiculously cheap for what it is. Don’t try taking it back though if it packs up in 5 years time 😊

  2. Feeling ridiculously tired this evening, not because I have been overly energetic!
    So much fruit in the box this time, and lots of veggie meals this weekend as Darren is away, and that really wouldn’t suit him!
    No more mishaps with the sewing and pleased with how it is turning out. All that thread used and not once did it break!
