Tuesday 4 October 2022

Unexpected challenge!

This morning I took the shopping trolley down to the pet shop a I wanted to get some fat balls for the birds. I got a tub and as the old price, she wa just pricing the new stock and they were over a pound more! Also got a feeder cage for the suet blocks that is easier to fill. I got something in for lunch on the way back. Tina had lots of washing to get done and the new fridge freezer was being delivered today. I went out into the garden to make sure all the bird food containers were full in my cupboard so it is organised while Tina helps me out for a while. Then I did work on one more bed and cut the rest of the rhubarb which I sent round to the ladies at Families at Three,

The freezer came at lunch time, no picture yet as one of the door panels didn’t arrive! 
We have discussed getting curtains across the bay window in the main sitting room as it is drafty and has lots of glass. But it is very big! So after lunch we went on a curtain hunt in Hull. We needed a three hundred centimetre drop and the largest ready made have a two hundred cans twenty eight centimetre drop! Ended up buying four curtains for me to make into two the right size. The bay is wide as well, so quite a lot of material to work with.
We visited a couple of other shops and Tina got me this ultra sensible present!
The traffic was terrible on the way home and it tipped down with rain, took well over an hour to get home from Hull. Some travel shots!

This was one of the larger curtains that I was intending to make larger, only half of it as it is folded to get it on the bed.
I have spent about three hours getting them together, a photo when the pole is in place. Not a great job but hopefully they will do the job!
That is why I am blogging later tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mike, feeling wide awake at the moment but will settle down soon and hope the aches and pains behave!
    Trip out was good, nice to look round some big stores. And rain for the garden, bonus!
