Saturday 22 October 2022

Kitchen goddess-not!

This morning I spent a while in the kitchen. There were four large oranges in the veggie box and I looked up recipes and found an easy marmalade one. I have never made marmalade and I think the oranges had very thick skins, so it is more like jars of rind but hopefully it will be tasty!
Meanwhile I prepared veg and cooked some lardons, making a Mediterranean veggie meal in the Ninja.
A recipe from the book I bought, trying to get to grips with the new gadget!
I haven’t been feeling so good today, quite a lot of pain in my legs and the wrist seems a bit more sensitive today as well. But I did go out in the garden this afternoon and managed to get the remaining bedding plants into the garden. Neither Tina or me have ever managed to grow hostas, they always get eaten by slugs! So, we didn’t know that they turn autumnal!
A couple more garden shots, the coleus was tiny and begun to grow when we got some rain. The second one is a pretty flower that opens in the autumn.

I went with Tina to a wine tasting this evening, I did taste them, all pretty horrible! It was a Fair Trade event so good to see it well supported.
Will watch Strictly on catch up tomorrow!


  1. I’m sure the marmalade will be fine. Lovely on a bit of toast. The veggie meal looks really nice too, bet it was tasty. Looks very colourful. I think you’ve got used to the ninja already. You’ve used it for lots of different things. You must have saved a fortune in electricity.
    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling too good. I hope the sensitivity in the wrist isn’t a sign of anything worse!
    I don’t know how you remember the names of so many different flowers, they all look the same to me. I just call them red ones, yellow ones. It’s much easier.
    Oh my, out boozing! You’ll probably sleep better tonight 😊

  2. Hopefully just a blip with the hand, still early days.
    Good to make up a recipe from the new book, I think it will be very useful.
    I literally had a few sips, so don’t think it will induce deep sleep, I needed water to take the taste away!
