Tuesday 11 October 2022

Beverley Pastures

I was up early and I thought the garden light had been left on. I cannot close my blind at the moment as it is really awkward when both hands work properly, so at the moment I have no chance! But actually the moon was just really bright but I did need the garden light on to see what I was doing. A very dark attempt at moon catching in the dark with the phone!
I did some washing and was going to hang it outside but just could not push the rotary drying into position, another two hand job that I cannot do just now! So put it on the dryers and then got ready to catch the bus to Beverley as I wanted to find my way to the pastures. Did take a photo of one of the bonsai pots as it has gone all autumnal!
I also took off the sticky dressing from the wound, it has been irritating for a day or so and it had started to lift anyway, the wound is neat. The surgeon told me it would be okay to just leave it but I am wearing a cotton glove as I really don’t want to knock it of catch the stitches as the dissolve.
Passed this van as I walked to the pastures after getting off the bus.

That magpie was chittering away as I passed!

Sadly I didn’t see my cattle! I had come to a different road and asked a jogger if it took me back  into the town. It did and a few shots as I went. Nice to see the Beverley Newbegin sign!

Posh bin!
I came into town behind the market place. Needed a sit down and a drink and loved this funky light fitting!
I have done a bit of sorting this afternoon and got stuff ready to make a card later. I did go to the shop to recycle the soft plastic as they have a container for it and I also booked my flu jab for the morning.


  1. A long and busy day then. Bit of a nuisance not being able to shut the blind. You should get the Rev to pop in and do it and tuck you in at night 😄
    The autumnal bonsai looks really nice. They have done well over the years.
    The wound does look tidy, but I’m sure I’d find it extremely itchy! Definitely a good idea to wear a glove. Could be very painful to catch it on something and yank a stitch or two out!
    It seems you found the pastures without too much bother, but a real shame you didn’t find any cattle wandering up the road. Although knowing you if you’d seen one you’d have tried to take a pic with it 😊 Looks like it was a really nice walk, and a really nice day too. You have some nice pics.
    I like the light fitting in the cafe too. Very unusual.
    Flu jab in the morning starts off tomorrow’s list. I’m sure there’ll be a few more things added to it as the day progresses 😊

  2. It made a change to have a walk somewhere different, and find my way around the outskirts of Beverley as well. The pastures cover a pretty big area I think and there are car parks, not that I needed them! I will go there again but remember to take a drink, there are plenty of benches!
