Saturday 8 October 2022

Afternoon walk

I was up early so had the garden light on when I fed the birds.I took the large bandage off the hand today, quite impressive bruising. The wrist actually felt quite vulnerable without the large bandage so have actually used the compression glove which has made it feel protected and comfortable.
Darren needed to go into Hull to deliver a letter so I went along and we went to a garden centre for a coffee before heading home. An opportunity for another serious photo as well!
And a different Christmas display!
 Lovely day today so after lunch I went for a walk. I headed up towards Tesco and then walked along the trail to the sea front. My knee complained a bit to start with and I thought of changing my mind, but managed quite a reasonable distance in the end.

Haven’t done a great deal since, Sal and Carol came round this evening and Darren and I both had haircuts.
Just watched Strictly!


  1. That does look a mess! I’m sure it looks worse than it is though. Good idea putting the glove on to protect it a bit. Definitely not something you want to accidentally knock!
    Nice to get out for a while with Darren. The pic with the lion actually looks a sensible one. Now if you’d have sat on the train for a pic that would have been different 😊
    It’s been a nice day today so perfect for a walk. Wish I’d have gone for one myself. I really really like the pic of the river with the rusty pipes. Some great clouds in all of them.
    Think you’ve probably done more than enough for one day, so a quiet evening is good. Think I need a hairdresser to visit me. So much easier than going to them!
    Hope Strictly was good. I’ve not actually watched any of it yet.

  2. It was good to get a walk today as we did a lot of sitting around yesterday, not good for the joints!
    It really was very warm in the sunshine again.
