Wednesday 26 October 2022

Walking and bit of craft

This morning I wanted to get some stamps so set off reasonably early, called in to the park on my way .

The wind was quite strong so the trees either end of the first picture looked as if they had quite pale leaves.
I had a drink by the sea and took a couple of pics from where I was sitting, so a bit different. Then as I walked along the front another one trying to catch the waves as it was an offshore wind and I love the way the waves look like horses manes, but didn’t get a good shot.

I decided to walk along the trail as I wanted to go into a plant shop at the other side of town, it also meant I had a longer walk.

There is a path alongside the stream which has noteworthy been made more accessible, the only time I tried it previously it was very overgrown and it is supposed to lead to the Tesco car park, but that time I couldn’t find a way in! I saw a lady walking along so thought I would try it today.
Quite a pleasant walk now and easy access to the car park when you get there!

I called into the plant shop and have paid to go on an open terrarium workshop on Saturday evening. I just checked that I didn’t have to go up the awful stairs there and that the had an alternative to the ‘fizz’ on offer! All good and if I take a container of my own may end up with two terrariums if there is time!
Arrive if home the chrysanthemum in the front bed is glorious.
I had a bit of a battle with the sewing machine, I needed to refill the bobbin and it took three attempts to get in in correctly, really difficult doing a left hand job with my right one! Then I didn’t fit the foot correctly, another left hand job, and broke a needle! Took a deep breath and tried again and finished the stitching on the hedgehog!
Then I spent some time bonding the broom handle with florets tape and trying to assemble canes so that they can be attached to it. Ever the optimist!
I spent half and hour watching one of the sessions at Darren’s Amiwest meeting in Sacramento, he found the one about art and animation which was interesting, have told him I expect to see his entry next time!
Tina had quite a tough day at work today and Darren is still recovering so I went to the shop this evening to get something quick and easy for tea. Nice sky as ai walked back.

Going to watch. The Repair Shop with King Charles in a bit, looking forward to that.


  1. Yet another full day for you, and plenty of exercise too! Don’t you ever rest? 😊
    The park is a really nice asset to have right on your doorstep. Not quite as good as Peasholme Park used to be, but nice nonetheless. What with that, the seashore and the lovely walks you have I’m very envious of you.
    I like the pics on the front into the sun. Some really great shadows.
    The trail and other walks you have make walking a pleasure, well maybe not such a pleasure in your case with all your achey and worn out bits, but you know what I mean! Slightly better than my pavement walks down here.
    I bet you’ll enjoy the terrarium course. Right up your street and hopefully you’ll find time to do the two. I’ll look forward to seeing pics of them.
    The hedgehog has turned out well. Shame about the hiccup at the end with the needle. Sure I’d have got through more than one needle 😊
    You really are putting some effort into the twig tree. I think it’s going to be really good when it’s done. Well worth all the effort. You certainly don’t make your life an easy one 😄
    The last two pics are lovely. The final one is my particular favourite this evening.
    I’m going to watch repair shop too. Should be interesting.

  2. It has felt like a full day, feeling quite weary now. I think the whole household will be in bed early this evening!
    The lady who runs the session at the plant shop seems really nice, and only has three or four people at the sessions, so it should be good.
