Wednesday 19 October 2022

Change of plan/graffiti hunt!

I didn’t go into Hull early with Darren as originally planned as he was on a different flight at the last minute and Tina drove home to the airport. He is still en route as I am typing this. But as I had myself in the mind set to go out I did catch the bus into Hull at just after ten. But will add a photo from yesterday first, the Michaelmas daisies are late, but lovely now we have had rain. I like them because they remind me of my primary school and wearing them when we went to church on St Michael’s day.
When I got into Hull and had a drink I decided to walk up Beverley Road for a while, I am driven down there sometimes with Darren or Tina and keep saying I would like to take pictures of the graffiti. I must have walked about a mile, but that is a very small part of a very long road, so I know there is more further along. But I took quite a lot of pictures, mostly graffiti and a couple of buildings.

I walked part of the way back and then caught a bus into the city centre. I had lunch at Subway, haven’t been in one for ages but still really enjoyed it and a great price! I went into Princes Quay and one of the puffins is in there now!

I bought these two little, rather silly gnome/gonk things, because they were cheap and make me smile!
They are small, they are on a coaster.
Didn’t get home until gone four so haven’t done a great deal since!
May get those plants in tomorrow if the rain doesn’t arrive.


  1. I hope the change of flights at the last minute doesn’t spoil his time there. Shame you didn’t get to go into Hull with him, but good you made it there anyway. That road does sound rather long, but definitely worth it as you have some great urban style pics of the graffiti. Shame you couldn’t get a couple of the oiks who do it to pose with their work for you 😊
    The subway meal sounds very tasty, I’ve not had one for a very long time. They’re reasonably heathy as well!
    Love the little men you bought 😊 They remind me of Michael Bentine’s Potty Time.
    You should have a day of rest tomorrow. I think you’re due one.

  2. I am sure the journey, changes etc will be forgotten once Darren is enjoying time with the Amiga fans.
    Parts of Hull are run down like most cities, but there is an abundance of graffiti, which I really like.
    I love the little men too!
