Tuesday 18 October 2022

Getting active

This morning I had a few things to sort out on line, got my booster jab booked and things to research for a friend and my niece. Then my new debit card arrived and I went down the road to the cash point as you had to use it with your pin first time. I wanted to make sure it worked before ai cut the old one up! It does, so then I updated a couple of websites. It is a very funky card and all the details are on the back!
I went out into the garden as the path and area near the garden bin is getting very overgrown making it difficult to get to it. I managed some hoeing as most of the pressure is from my right arm. I had a cotton glove on underneath the garden glove on my left hand, don’t want to take any chances. Didn’t take photos and was only out about three quarters of an hour.
Tina had a meeting but when she had finished the three of us went to the garden centre for lunch as Darren is off on his travels tomorrow. On the way back we dropped Darren’s car at a garage as he is having some work done on it while he is away. Very rural at the garage, and nice tree and cloud view!

Then Tina dropped us at the post office, Darren had to collect spending money and we went and had an ice cream by the sea afterwards.

I told Darren to walk home on his own and I would follow, he has longer legs than me and is considerably younger! Took this pic in the memorial garden.
I wa feeling weary so nd a rest for a bit but then went out and got a couple of dozen plants into the front garden. I did go into the back to plant some more but realised I wa feeling too tired so they will keep to another day. Nice fungi near a tree stump.
I am going into Hull early with Darren in the morning so I filled the bird feeders up at dusk so as I am not trying to do it in pitch black tomorrow.. will get to bed earlier tonight!


  1. That’s a very funky card very you 😊 Unusual that the details are all on the reverse too. I really don’t blame you for making sure it worked before you got rid of the old one! Technology is good, but not all the time.
    Sounds like you kept yourself quite busy again. I could really do with some of your work ethics!
    That was nice, getting out for lunch all together before Darren goes globetrotting. A couple of really nice sky pics at the garage. Looks like it was a glorious day. Has been here too. Looks really pleasant by the sea. I wonder how many more nice days we’ll get before the weather turns really wintery? I really like the pic of the trees, very colourful.
    Enjoy your trip into Hull tomorrow. Mega early! Hope the buses and trains are all running 🤞

  2. Must admit, getting more active is making me feel my age!
    Was a full day though and we are catching the but at seven, just hoping the buses and trains are running. The buses have a shortage of drivers and are bringing in temporary timetables next week, and the trains are striking today!
