Sunday 9 October 2022

Boot sale and walk

I was out feeding the birds pretty early again and then we were off to the boot sale, it was a lovely morning again but quite chilly when we got there. We didn’t buy a great deal today, Darren got some old playing cards to add to his collection and I got a tray that had been made into a picture,(couple of screws at the back and a cord) and a jar and spent £1.50!
A bit of reading and sorting through the gift stash this morning then after lunch went for a walk. I went to the mere and then along a bit of the trail and cut back yo town along Witty’s Passage.

A bit of a joint effort with Tina and we cobbled together an edible Sunday dinner using the Ninja Max. We are not very proficient yet!
I have been wearing the compression glove to make my hand feel protected but when I removed it a while ago my fingers started tingling, so now just using a cotton glove which isn’t restricting the hand!
Reading and an early night I think.


  1. It was a chilly morning, and more so in a field I’m guessing! Not a bad haul for £1.50. Are you going to revert the tray back to a tray?
    If the weather has been the same up there then I don’t blame you for getting out. After a chilly morning it turned really warm here. But from the clouds in your pics I’m guessing it wasn’t quite so good. Some nice moody pics though. Not sure why, but I quite like the one looking into the dyke. You do have some good names up there. Polly’s Path and Witty’s Passage. Much nicer to walk along 😊
    I think you’re doing well with the ninja. You’ve not had it long and you’ve done some good stuff in it. It’s a total new way of cooking so takes some getting used to.
    I think the hand is doing well considering it hasn’t been very long since it was done. Hopefully it won’t take too long to fully heal up.
    Enjoy your book.

    1. No feeling quite so full of beans at the moment, but probably just tired, early mornings and a couple of longer walks, not long but more than I usually do these days.
      It was blue skies early on, but had clouded over this afternoon.
