Thursday 6 October 2022

Onward and upward!

I didn’t have much sleep, not because of the op which didn’t give me too much bother, just wasn’t a sleeping night, but I was happy laying there on my back with the cat sprawled out on me for hours as I have no pain my legs when I lay on my back,m but just can’t sleep! So I was up at 5.30, fed the birds in the garden with the help of the outside light and then headed off to the sea front to see the sunrise! Have to say I felt great this morning. I took a photo as I went through the memorial garden and then there are a couple of pre sunrise shots and several as the sun was rising. I even walked on the beach today!

I hadn’t taken cards or cash out with me as I was going to get some cash from the machine and buy some cards so when I got home I headed out again nd then a third of time to post the cards! 
The thing that was most uncomfortable yesterday was the cannula in my right arm which he had two attempts to get in, it has left quite a bruise.
After Ringtons had been and Tina’s delivery for the second door cover for the new fridge has arrived we went out had had lunch at Eastfield garden centre and then off the Filey Bird and animal park. We were enjoying out lunch when a man fell off his chair and crashed into mine on the way down. Luckily not getting my arm or I may have been on the floor as well! I had to move my chair nd he wa on the floor for some time but all was well in the end! We left a garden centre without buying anything which is probably a first!
Then off to the bird park, I didn’t take too many pics there but had to take some. The young turkey in the first pic came close and wa chatting away to us which was most unusual. There are three slightly out of focus ones at the end as the large Perot was doing its best to attack me nd wa crashing at the wire!

So many sparrows near the bird feeders!

Almost forgot the Christmas displays at the garden centre!

And finally the new, two toned fridge freezer!


  1. Well it’s not good you didn’t sleep well, although it’s good to know it wasn’t anything to do with the op. Sounds like your day got off to a flying start! It’s really good that you felt great this morning. I think I need an op and meds so I can feel like that, I can’t remember the last time I felt great 😊 Going out to see the sunrise is a brilliant way to start any day, and judging by the pics it was a good one. Maybe you’ll feel like that every day now. Wouldn’t that be nice?
    The punctures for the cannula look nasty. I can imagine that did hurt a bit. They probably do that on purpose to take your mind off the other arm 😄
    The garden centre visit could have been a disaster! I think you attract that sort of thing. Bet it was funny though 😊 Christmas decorations. Oh my, it soon comes around. I don’t know why they bother packing them away. They might as well leave them out all year.
    The bird park is always a good visit, although the parrot really didn’t want to pose for you 😊
    That looks a huge fridge freezer! Quite nice two tone too.
    Well your first day after the op was a lot more active than I thought it would be. Hopefully you’ll get a bit more sleep tonight ready to do it all again tomorrow.

  2. Still feeling pretty okay and not too much discomfort from the wrist. So it has been a pretty good day and tonight I had a video call with my sister who seems great considering the severity of the surgery.
    It was good to be on the beach early, but hopefully I won’t be getting up that early too often!
    Yes the Christmas displays get earlier and earier and worse still they were already playing Christmas music,
    We love the bird park, my manage one more visit before they close for the season.
