Friday 28 October 2022

Maybe it will work!

I had pretty much given up on making a twig tree but this morning the first spray of canes seemed to be fairly stable after more glue and florist tape! So am now trying to fix a second spray and see hat happens!
It rained for a while this morning so Bel asked if I minded going round to her place. I was happy to and although she doesn’t have internet I as able to do some research for her present for her nephew in Jersey using my phone. She has a number to phone to try and order a delivery for him now. I was telling her that I would need to knit some tinsel for the tree and she gave me some very fine gold and silver thread. I thought I would see if the charity shops had some odd balls of sparkly wool so left early to walk to Jean’s. I was forgetting that we do still have a craft place in Hornsea at the back of the 
Boyes store, so went in there and managed to buy a ball of Christmas wool that has silver flecks through it,
I went via the sea to Jean’s house, very clear day today.

I have started knitting but off to check the tree now!
There was a pretty sky this evening.


  1. I think the tree is looking ok. The extra glue and tape should strengthen it no end. You definitely shouldn’t be giving up just yet. Homemade knitted tinsel should look good on it! Who in their right mind knits tinsel? 😊 You’re either desperate for something to do, or as daft as a brush! I must say the wool does look nice though, so I’ll look forward to seeing the final result.
    Glad you got Bel sorted out. You’re like a roving IT consultant. You do have a lot of strings to your bow. That’s probably where Darren gets it from 😊 Little in joke there.
    Looks nice on the seafront. Virtually deserted though, seems a shame. Bet it wasn’t as warm as it looks.
    Have fun tinsel knitting 😄

  2. I have started knitting the tinsel, haven’t been in my right mind for so long, can’t remember if I ever was!
    There were a few people around on the promenade, last day of half term.
    Will persevere with the tree for a while, I know I have a back up if all else fails!
