Tuesday 25 October 2022

Ninja practice and Freeport

Yesterday evening the sky was coloured like sunset in the wrong direction! Couldn’t get a good shot of it though. Then bother shot of the more silhouette type sky.

This morning I called in to see Bel for a while as she wasn’t well on Friday. She seemed fine today. When I came home I took another bag of stuff to the charity shop then walked up to the DIY shop to get a broom handle, to try a different way of making a twig tree! I had some fish that needed using and veggies over from Sunday so I made us some lunch and decided to use a couple of potatoes to have a go at making air fried chips. They turned out pretty well but have a bag of frozen ones is much simpler!
It was a nice day so I decided to walk up to Freeport and  catch the bus back. Two photos of the walk up to the cemetery from each end. Amazing how different they looked!

I went out to clean the bird baths and ended up take pictures f another silhouette type photo.
Darren is back home now, he sent me a photo from the train on the way back from Manchester.
Off to make a cuppa now.


  1. As you say, the first pic doesn’t really show the sky very well. I really like the second one though.
    Sounds like your day has been quite an active one. Certainly plenty of walking. A nice day for it though as you can see from the pics. The two you took as a comparison could well have been taken on two totally different days. Looks a really nice walk though.
    Have you attempted twig tree version 2 yet, or is it still a work in progress? You’ll get it in the end.
    I love the pic Darren sent you of the bridge. It looks like something from the 1950s.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening.

  2. No I haven’t attempted to do anything with the broom handle yet, still thinking what to do!
    The knee always hurts when I set off for a walk and I think about giving up, but that is not going to help so I keep going, not that it is great distances, but better than nothing!
