Wednesday 12 October 2022

Lovely catch up

Last night I actually made a couple of cards, using the wallpaper sample book I got at the boot sale for the cut outs. I made this card and another, far more complicated one, which I forgot to take a photo of and it is too late now s it is all packed in a package ready to be sent!
I did draw them and actually cut them out, not die cuts.
This morning I had my flu jab quite early, no problem with it so far. Did a few chores before Judi arrived on a flying visit. She looks well and happy, it was lovely to see. She will remain in the house in Lincolnshire for longer than expected, they had planned to join some other sisters in London but the sale of their house has fallen though so they will stay where they are for now. So will have to visit her there as I had planned to go to London when they had settled. Angela joined us after a meeting and we all went to the Hornsea garden centre for lunch. I hadn’t realised until yesterday that she was coming to Hornsea, so it was an unexpected pleasure. She is still getting rid of her belongings and brought me a couple of books about Mother Teresa.
I checked the library times when I got home and walked to the leisure centre to return my book. This plant was in the memorial garden pretty sure it is called Hotlips,
The sea was looking pretty cold and grey today!

The library was closed! Think it is time they did something about their website…….
Did meet a couple I know nd we had a chat for a while.
Listening to Dolly Parton at the moment and thinking what ti do for the evening. Maybe read about Mother Teresa!


  1. The sample book was a good boot sale buy. I quite like the pattern on that card.
    Now you’ve had the flu jab you should be ok for a while. No more needles for a few months. Glad you got to see Judi as I know you really like her. Looking well and happy is really good in this day and age when most people are feeling miserable about life. She obviously took the right route and it’s suiting her well. I’m sure you’ll enjoy planning a visit to her.
    The plant does look like it should be called hotlips. The sea really does look uninviting today. It has so many different faces to show throughout the year, perfect for photographers. Just a shame the library wasn’t open when you got there. That’s twice now they’ve tricked you 😊

    1. Anyone would think the library thought it was Halloween!
      Quite a miserable weather day, we are not used to that any more, been spoilt with wall to wall sunshine most of the year!
      I will try and get the book back, won’t be happy if I end up getting a fine!
