Wednesday 5 October 2022

Hospital day!

Trying to keep calm as I am off for my op and Margherita off for her major op, not the best timing for blood pressure control. I fed the birds early and walked down to the post box then sat quietly and read before it was time to set off. We got to the hospital in good time in case they had changed the venue again! But all was well and I was taken to a private room. That was midday and I didn’t actually go to theatre until gone three. The test results weren’t looked at and my blood pressure was okay, in fact when the surgeon came in to go through everything he said he wasn’t too worried about the blood pressure! I told them Margherita was having major surgery and they were happy for my phone to be in theatre and would answer it for me. 
I took a pic of the view from the window and the sign that was attached to the toilet.

The team in theatre were all lovely and Mr Haeney talked me through what he was doing. As soon as he had opened up the wound he said he could Dee immediately why the nerve was unhappy, the was a large amount of scar tissue compressing it so he was stripping it away. I had several pains going on so the tourniquet didn’t seem so bad even though it was on for twenty three minutes.I had a blood pressure band on my leg and a very uncomfortable cannula in my other arm! Before he stitched the wound he asked if I wanted to look at it. Of course! Very interesting and the unhappy nerve was blue.
I was then wheeled to recovery for a while on the bed and then to the room. Was there for a while, had a cuppa and a jacket potatoes. A nurse helped me get dressed and Tina collected me about 7 pm. Before I left I managed to get through to Peterborough hospital and my sister was back on the ward and about to have something to ear, so good news there.
I am feeling fine, a bit sore but positive. Tina got me a present, we had spotted them last week at the antique place at Skirlaugh garden centre,
I am sitting listening to a cd and have a cat on my lap for a change.


  1. Well that was a good day, but nice to get it out the way. Specially with both you and Marg going in for ops in different parts of the country.
    Glad you managed to keep the stress levels down so the blood pressure didn’t go too high. Although it seems that it wouldn’t have made much difference if it had. The surgeon was a really nice chap, and has been all through the consultations. It all helps put you at ease if you trust the surgeon! Definitely sounds promising that he immediately saw something wrong. 🤞đŸģI also think it’s great he let you look into the wound before he stitched it up. You slipped up not getting a pic though!
    Really pleased to hear Marg was recovering well too. A successful day for both of you.
    That was a nice thought of the Rev to get you those earrings. You’re spoiled.
    Well take it easy for a few days at least, if you can. I know how bored you get so don’t hold out much hope you’ll last longer than that 😊

  2. Yes, pretty good day and I have done all I can to get the hand sorted. Feeling quite well in myself, so that is good. Really pleased too that Margherita is back on her original ward so the surgery must have gone well.
    Will be interesting to see how this first night goes.
