Monday 1 March 2021

Whupitty Scoorie Day

What a great sounding day, think we should adopt it. It has been celebrated since the early 19th century by people in Lanark, Scotland to celebrate the approach of Spring.
I have been feeling a bit spring like today and have spent a good deal of the day getting the bed I was working on ready for spring! A lot of digging and plenty of bulbs and roots removed. I worked in three stages taking breaks between so as not to over challenge the knees! I dug up the smaller flowering plants and replanted them later so that I could dig properly where they were.

Pandora jumped up on the tree stump, the cats had been chasing each other a Lund but this time she was getting away from Blue!
When I went out to put some food waste into the garden bin I spotted this tulip which has amazingly opened before we have any daffodils out!
I have made a start on the card for a ninety five year old, drew and cut out the numbers. Will probably decorate them tomorrow.
Did do some of the jigsaw when I was having breaks from the gardening. Darren did a bit when he got home and Tina did join me for a while as well.
Will finish with an obscure word today.
Blellum (n.): A lazy idler who talks overmuch.


  1. A brilliant sounding day 😊 Definitely need to celebrate that one.
    Blimey, you have done a fair bit in the garden. It does look very good though. I just hope you don’t suffer for it later! You should have it all ship shape and ready for a relaxing summer making the most of it. Or you might still be digging and weeding 😊
    Seeing Pandora sat there has just reminded me of something.
    I see you still found time to do a bit of crafting and puzzling, and no doubt other stuff too. You should sleep well tonight.
    Not heard of the obscure word, but again it could have been made for me. I’m sure find them on purpose 😊

    1. Yes a good name for the day, and on the whole a pretty good day and not aching too much yet!
      I don’t think I will ever be totally on top of the gardening, but it is definitely feeling like I am managing a bit better to keep it under control!
