Saturday 13 March 2021

Cats in control!

Will put the photos out of order again so as to comment on the heading first. Earlier Blue decided to be helpful to Tina while she wrote her sermon, and this evening I have been usurped by Pandora so not in my rocking chair!

It seemed cold and ready to rain when I went out early to get the rolls for lunch. But it did brighten up so went out and did some work in the back garden, it did start to get very windy and was quite chilly but I got the rest of the bedding plants in. I did work on a bit more than this area but the photo gives an idea of things going in the right direction.

Some lovely flowers arrived today from Anya, such pretty colours.
This afternoon I thinned my hair out as it ways getting out of control!
Haven’t had a very productive day apart from that. 
Today is Earmuffs Day and also Open an Umbrella Indoors Day. Quite unusual ones.


  1. Cats never seem to want you to do anything. The words boot and bum spring to mind 😊 They do look cute though.
    The garden looks amazingly good. It’s hard to believe that you manage to do all that virtually on your own. I know you get help occasionally from others but the majority of time you’re out there by yourself.
    That is a very nice bunch of flowers, very pretty. The squirrel behind them looks like he’s having a good nibble.
    I didn’t realise that haircutting was another of your skills. I should have guessed really as you can turn your hand to most things.
    I’m going to open an umbrella in a minute just for the hell of it 😊

    1. Quite a quiet day really although did get plenty of fresh air when I was outside!
      The cats definitely rule the roost here, what a life they have!
      Very pretty flowers nd the smell is lovely too as there are stocks in the bouquet.
