Saturday 27 March 2021

National Scribble Day!

Should have started scribbling away at that book I have always been going to write! But this morning I did the usual shopping, found out that the veggie shop is closing today which is quite sad. Then I went into the garden after the grocery delivery had arrived as I had some plants to get in. Three rhubarb roots that Tina had ordered so first area was where the fruit bushes are. I was just going to hoe but in the end dug a few of the more vigorous weeds up and hoed the rest. Didn’t take a before photo  but took one when I finished. When we were still able to go to boot sales I bought some large wooden plant markers so used them to remind me where the rhubarb is!
Tina also ordered some plants for shade that can also cope with drought! There was a bit more work there than intended as well as the back of the main bed is getting quite weedy, just deep hoeing this time though.
I have spent a good while still going through my stuff, stopped to watch the Grand Prix qualifying and then to get dinner. By eight I was feeling a bit heady, doing all this sorting seems to be more tiring than the gardening! I am late with the blog as Pandora settle on me and stayed for over an hour, didn’t want to disturb her be trying to reach the iPad!
The good part is that this pile of containers that are now empty all had stuff in them!
More of the same tomorrow, it could take weeks!


  1. There’s still time for you to write that book, so stop making excuses and get on with it 😊
    It looks like you’ve done a fair chunk of garden today. It does look nice when it’s hoed and tidied up. Before you know it you’ll be having rhubarb crumble every day.
    Quite a full day of it with the cooking and the sorting too. I’m convinced that Pandora knows when you’ve done too much and that’s why she pins you down in the chair. So you can have a rest!
    You have a lot of empty containers. Might be a daft question, but are you going to store them or are you going to get rid of them?

  2. I have a lot of stuff in shoe boxes, so may start eliminating them and keep a few as I know I will probably start getting more clutter, however determined ai might feel now!
    Apparently you are not supposed to cut the rhubarb in its first year, but the one we already have is growing nicely.
