Wednesday 17 March 2021

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

St Patrick’s Day and also Campfire Girls Day and National Irish Coffee Day!

This morning I decided on a walk and thought I would head off in the direction of Honeysuckle Farm. I had in mind to try and get to the actual farm but in the end went apart the resting bench and up the hill towards The Cottage. More about that in a minute. I didn’t take pictures on the way except fro one of the church as I set out.
I walked past the house called the cottage and turned round at the first lamppost after it. Next time I will try to get to the next lamp post. I took a photo of the cottage, hardly fits my idea of a cottage!
On my way back down to the bench for a sit down I tried to get some pictures of the mere.

After lunch I worked in the front garden for an hour just tidying the corner bed.

Blue is a funny cat and today she tried to fit in the jigsaw box!
Feeling quite weary tonight, makes you think exercise is bad for you!!


  1. I think out of the three days I’ll go for national Irish coffee day.
    Your walk out looks quite peaceful, especially the bit by the cottage. No people about to ruin the ambience. Sounds like it was a decent length of walk. It’s always good to know when to stop, especially when you have to do the same distance home again! That doesn’t look much like a cottage to me either. Sensible planning going on a walk with benches on the route. Doesn’t look too bad a day, apart from the sky being a bit grey.
    Should have known that you would manage to fit a bit of gardening in too. It does look good though.
    Exercise isn’t bad for you, as long as you take it in very small doses 😊

    1. It was a reasonable length walk for me, hopefully I will build it up gradually. It was very quiet, thinkIsaw two other pedestrians, yes I planned ahead and took a flask so I could have a drink when I sat on the bench.
      It is good to be to dying bits of garden which really aren’t looking too bad. It will change soon when the weeds start growing with a vengeance!
