Tuesday 23 March 2021

Bonsai woes!

Very twee celebratory days today. National Puppy Day and Cuddly Kitten Day! Not a lot to add, they are very sweet when they are in a picture or belong to somebody else!
Tina had a large letter that was quite heavy to be posted so I took a walk to the he post office, not such a bright morning so I wen on up to see the sea afterwards and it was relatively quiet. It was soon after nine which helped. The clouds and sun made for a couple of nice photos this morning.

I went out into the gardens with the idea of getting the eighteen plants in that have been waiting for a while. Some in the front garden nd some in the back. I didn’t take pictures but ended up hoeing the large beds in the front and the back as the weeds are beginning to show, so had quite a long session in the end.
After lunch I thought it was time to get the bonsai trees repotted. I have some new bonsai pots and got them ready in an attempt to be more organised.
The bags of bonsai compost are small and I have a lot of trees! I managed to get five done before the compost ran out. The first time I attacked the tree roots I thought I would kill them, but have learnt that it is good for them and helps to keep them small but it is a pretty messy job de soiling all the roots!
I have ordered a reasonable quantity of bonsai compost hoping that it will be sufficient for the rest. Doing just five took getting on for a couple of hours!
I cleared everything away then came into the warm and did a crossword puzzle!
Tina had a few primulas over from the Mothering Sunday service so have a few more to put in tomorrow. She also ordered some different, sweeter rhubarb plants which arrived today, a gardeners work is never done!
Holby tonight and Doctor Death is about to get his comeuppance!


  1. Oh lovely, two vomit inducing days to celebrate 😀
    Well worth you doing your postal duties this morning and getting up to the sea. I really really like the first two pictures. Makes the walk up there well worth it.
    Back in time for a nice long gardening session, you’re so lucky 😊 Even more lucky to have all those nice bonsai plants to sort out! They do look nice and I’m sure the roots can breathe more easily now. Shame you’ve got another day of it to look forward to once you get some more compost.
    This is probably going to shatter your illusions, but Holby isn’t really real you know 😊 enjoy it anyway.

  2. Of course it is real, how dare you!
    I was pleased with those sea photos, good to catch the suns rays, especially when they are almost monochrome.
    I like my bonsai trees but do have to brace myself for the root pruning sessions!

  3. Those rays are called crepuscular rays. Took me years to remember that, so I might as well use it while I can 😊
