Saturday 20 March 2021

World Storytelling Day

Now that’s a lovely celebratory day, listening to a good story teller is a real pleasure.
I did the usual shopping and letter posting this morning and started working in the front garden so that I could watch out for the grocery delivery. I hadn’t intended to do a lot but one I was started I continued after the delivery.I had just been gong to cut back plants but ended up hoeing as well, not a brilliant job, but every little helps! Lots of stuff for Tina to burn now as the dead plants were dry.

The h as been a tree in the garden that has been dying off, I removed the dead areas last year, but the rest is on the way out now, so I cut it down and tidied that bit of ground.
Then it was ‘just a bit more’ as there were more plants needing pruning a bit further along!
These tulips in the large bed are quite stunning.
I did do a bit more in the garden, we had bought compost for the raised planters on Thursday and I got a bag on compost into each one. We have two more bags, but will do that another day as I was feeling that was enough for today. So I went and made a drink and sat in the summer house for a little while. No wild life, just two cars eyeing the birds!!
Nice sky at fox feeding time!
As there wasn’t a lot on tv tonight Tina suggested a walk by the sea. Daren joined us which was nice. I didn’t go quite as far as them, tried to take some pics while they walked a further. I had had a fair bit of exercise today!

Pretty good cameras on phones these days!


  1. I like to listen to someone telling a story. It’s so much more interesting than reading it.
    It sounds and looks like you’ve been very busy today, probably too busy to be honest! The bits of garden you did look really nice and as you say every little bit helps. Plus Tina will appreciate all the debris to burn, as I know she likes a good fire. The tulips are gorgeous. At least you found a little bit of time to sit and relax in the summer house.
    I bet the walk by the sea in the dark was really nice. I like to walk when it’s dark too because you can hear the water lapping but can’t see it, it’s just nice for some reason. Or I’m just weird, which could well be the case!
    The pictures are very good considering it’s a phone. Although I think you’re showing off a bit with the nice red sky above the church 😊

    1. Yes, a pretty busy day, getting there little by little.
      Plenty of kindling for next burn up, I am sure I can collect more yet!
      The walk rounded the day off nicely.
