Monday 29 March 2021

Arty sky shots!

This morning I had some cards to post and a friends birthday present so set off for the post office fairly early. I had been gong to try and walk a bit further today but my right knee was pretty painful so went and had a look at the see and enjoyed a hot chocolate! The sun was bright but behind clouds, took a couple of pictures and can’t choose so will post them both!

I took this one in the memorial gardens as the small tree in blossom caught my eye straight away.
I walked along to Countdown on the way back, bought a few plants but really went to get a tub of fat balls for the birds. Although it was windy it was also very warm out and I was really weary by the time I got indoors. Did a crossword for a bit and then started sorting through my clothes. After lunch I went into the front garden and hoes the back of the large bed with the sign in, also carried on as far as the rockery. Spent about an hour and was then even more weary! I went out into the summer house for a while, just took a drink and my book, didn’t take the good camera out this time. At one point ai had one cat on my lap and the other one was in the second chair!
Tina came out to join me for a bit which meant Blue had to move. The next photo gives the impression that we have a pair of happy ‘sisters’, a reminder that not everything as it appears!
Took a picture of a lovely pansy and the large flower bed, so happy with the garden this year!
I came back indoors and carried on going through the clothes. In case you think I am exaggerating this is what I have to sort through in the spare room and I have a lot more sorting to do yet!
I suggested we go down to the front to have fish and chips before Hornsea gets even busier. Darren and Tina managed to secure a picnic table that was well away from anybody else but I don’t think we will be doing it again for quite some time. Took one photo as it was a clear sky this evening.
Tina and I really love this plant which we think is in the wallflower family but the different colours of flowers on the stems is just delightful!
Have been going through a couple more boxes this evening, it really is a never ending story! Will pack up soon as the final part of Unforgotten is on in half an hour.


  1. Well you certainly have kept busy today. Love the pictures from the beach this morning and also the one with the blossom tree. It just fits in that picture perfectly, and a lovely colour. I bet you were ready for a bit of a sit down in the summer house, and so were both cats by the looks of it.
    That’s a really good picture of the garden, quite a wide shot with a lot of it in. It just shows how nice it looks all together after all the effort you’ve put into it. Plus you’ve got a few more plants to put in after your little shopping trip.
    Oh dear, the spare room is a little “crowded”. Handy having a spare room though, at least you can close the door and forget about it for a little while.
    I think you deserved a nice fish supper. Nice to be able to sit at a table and eat it there. As you say I’m sure it’ll all start getting very crowded very soon.
    You’ll soon know “who did it” in Unforgotten.

    1. It has felt like a fairly busy day, not sure it feels like I am getting anywhere, but I know that I have, just have to get organising the stuff in that spare room,
      Was a nice rest in the summer house and enjoying the Garden and the cats company of course!
      So, so sad the ending of the series.
