Thursday 18 March 2021

Awkward Moments Day!

Quite an appropriate special day today, I will explain. We set off about 10am to go to the auction house in Scarborough as Tina had bid on a chest of drawers last week and won the item. We were off to collect it. Quite a good journey there and we had a flask etc with us as we intended to see the sea, go to the mere and then the garden centre while we were there. I got the back seats put down and then waited for Tina when she went into the reception area. When she came out she said there was a bit of a problem, it was bigger than she thought and wouldn’t go in the car, hence the awkward moment! They would have charged more that the item cost to deliver it so in the end Tina decided that it can go back into the auction next time. It was a bit bigger than she had anticipated anyway. Hopefully she won’t lose too much money when it is re-sold.
From there we went down to the sea front, we had a reasonable walk along the front past the beach huts as there had been a sign to say the cafe at the far end was open for take aways. Sadly today it wasn’t as it was a dull day. Took some photos from that end before walking back and going to the one place that was serving take away food.

Near the cafe was a statue that used to be in the town centre near the Brunswick centre. Nice to see her near the sea now.
We called into Sainsbury’s on the way to the mere, we didn’t go too mad. We just fed the birds at the mere today, we had taken a good supply of pellets with us and they were very hungry birds! I managed to feed the brave swan without getting my fingers in the beak today!
We hadn’t used the flask so Tina parked up near Cayton Bay for us to have a cuppa and see the sea from there.

I took a closer picture of that cliff as Darren and Tina have heard me go on about the pointy things in the distance every time we take that route! Tina looked it up and you can’t drive anywhere near but you can walk to them on the Cleveland Way, so the plan is to actually do that one of these days. Tina will come with me and not just drop me off as she said she is not leaving me on a cliff top on my own!
We then called in at Dean’s garden centre and got some compost for the raised beds and a few other bits then made out way home.
Turned out a very pleasant day after the initial disappointment.


  1. Oh dear oh dear. Such a disappointment when you go to collect something and it’s not quite what you expected. That’s one big disadvantage to buying things online and not being able to physically see them. Hopefully once things get back to normal you’ll both be able to go to a proper auction and not have to bid online. In the meantime I suggest you treat her to a tape measure!
    At least you’ve both got out for a ride round. Sounds like you made the most of your time in Scarborough. The birds definitely seem pleased to see you. So many nice places around Scarborough. I used to really look forward to coming there.
    Think I’m with Tina regarding leaving you on the cliff alone, you’re not safe to be let out! I’m sure you’d find a way to injure something 😊
    I’m guessing tomorrow is back to gardening assuming the weather plays ball?

  2. Yes, we certainly made the most of the day despite the start at the auction house.
    We both really love Scarborough so going there for a genuine reason meant we could enjoy some of the places we liked.
    Really looking forward to getting close up and personal to the pointy things!
    Yes, I am sure there will be some gardening tomorrow weather permitting.
