Thursday 4 March 2021

Making the most of an essential journey!

Tina had her car booked in for service and the garage is in Scarborough. They had arranged a curtesy car so that she didn’t have to wait around at the garage for a couple of hours. I got a flask and snack ready and we set off late morning as the appointment was for 12.30pm. A very nice hybrid car was at her disposal. Firstly we went to the mere, the cafe was doing take away food so we had a sausage sandwich before feeding the birds. I had bagged up a large amount of the duck and swan food and the birds were absolutely ravenous! We had a short walk along the side of the mere and had an following of water fowl all the way along! Quite a few pics, no explanations needed. Tina didn’t have the phone handy when I was wrestling my finger out of a swans beak!

After that we drove to the Scarborough bays, driving round the South Bay before parking by the north bay. Scarborough seemed to be taking the pandemic much more seriously that Hornsea. Plenty of police presence and about four places open along the touristy South Bay and nothing at all open by the north bay. I had taken the flask so we did have a cup of tea.

We had a walk along the front, very bracing but also very enjoyable. Then Tina got the call to say the car was ready so we headed back to the garage. As we were in Scarborough we called in at the Lidl before coming home.
The jigsaw was almost finished but we left the roof of the house for Darren to completely finish it when he got has been a real stinker with very peculiar shaped pieces, but a lovely picture.
Two celebratory days today. National Grammar Day and National Dance the Waltz Day.


  1. Good to make use of an essential trip to get the serviced with a little trip around your old haunts too. The mere is a lovely place, unless you’re carrying bird food then you fear for your life! I doubt they’re getting fed as regular these day, so I’m not surprised you had to fight them off 😊 I remember the times we’ve been there when they swamped us the minute we got food out. It’s a lovely place though, and they do do nice sausage baps.
    Scarborough does look very quiet. It’s a shame for all the businesses, but it’s good they’re keeping to the rules better than other places. Lots of nice pics again today. Good to see some of the old places.
    That is a nice looking jigsaw, and looking at the shapes of those pieces I can see why it was more difficult to do! You all got there though.
    Dance the Waltz Day. Have you had a jig around the lounge? 😊

  2. It was a good use of the bit of time we had and so good to see the mere and the bays. Scarborough is lovely and will always be special to me. As a seaside town it takes some beating.
    Good to have the jigsaw competed and we a did some of it.
    No, haven't been dancing, maybe before bed?
