Friday 19 March 2021

Red Nose Day, dig deep!

Getting ready for a fun evening viewing and trying not to donate too often!
I did go for a short walk this morning, the legs were a bit sore but got to keep trying. Did some household chores, including a thorough go at the stairs. The cats spend a lot of time sleeping on them so they get pretty hairy!
This afternoon I helped Tina fold her monthly letters up and then filled envelopes with the letters and other bits relating to Easter. 
I went for another walk to deliver a couple of the letters which were off the Atwick Road. I went by the very quiet sports field.

This was a funky tree!
A very plush private road I went along.

Can’t zoom very much with the phone but had to take this of the bird on the blossom covered tree!
I wanted to take a selfie sitting on the stone bench but couldn’t fit it in, so next best is one fo the bench and one of me sitting on it! (You’ll have to take my word for it!)
The roundabout in town is looking good.
That’s it for today! Happy viewing.


  1. I’m guessing by the time I’ve written this you’ll have donated at least twice! All goes to a good cause though.
    Sounds like you’ve had plenty of exercise today, lots of hoovering and lots of walking. You can add postlady to your list of jobs.
    That is a weird looking tree, in fact it looks a bit like plastic. Bit of a posh road it’s in so it’s bound to be something special.
    I vaguely remember that bench from a picture I long while ago. But I don’t believe you’re actually sitting on it! 😊
    All roundabouts should be as colourful as that one. It’d make driving more fun.
    You should be up to about three donations by now!

  2. Trying to keep the exercise up and get as mobile as possible.
    It is a really weird tree, but as you say a pretty swish area so something exotic maybe!
    I really was sitting on the bench!!
