Tuesday 9 March 2021

Joyful photos today!

Because of the heading I will put the photos out of order!  Some lovely ones of spring flowers, from the garden and from the walk along Newbegin.

Then sitting in the summer house this afternoon I did a bit of reading but also managed to photograph a variety of birds.

Today’s celebratory day is False Teeth Day, one that I hope I will never have to celebrate!
This morning I went into the garden for a while but decided against the heavy duty digging. Although the flower beds are not terrible at the moment I thought I would make a start on the large bed in the back garden, more hoeing and tidying the edges.

I worked on it for about an hour, still a long way to go but it is good to be tidying it when it doesn’t actually look too bad! Must be doing something right!


  1. A great selection of pics tonight. Flora and fauna. A nice bit of sun and everything looks springlike. Takes away the pain of the lockdown a little bit. Always good to see flowers in full bloom as it makes doing your own garden worthwhile.
    You do get a good selection of birds that visit you. I have to say though that my favourite pic is the good old fashioned blackbird. I know you’ll be well pleased with all of them today. And so you should be.
    The grass path you transplanted into that bed has taken well. It’s a bit thin on grass in the middle, but that’ll soon thicken up. Makes getting at the whole bed a lot easier than paddling knee deep in mud!
    Think you’ve had a good, hopefully you’ll have a good night to match it.

  2. Yes, a good day and I was pleased with the photos today. Hard to remember sometimes how far the garden has come since we moved in. I love the blackbirds, we have over a dozen of them that are living in or around the garden.

  3. Cool stuff you have and you keep overhaul every one of us aesthetic wall decor
