Wednesday 24 March 2021

International Day For Achievers

Well, getting a bit long in the tooth to do a lot of achieving, but a very positive sort of day.
I was actually feeling a bit achy but decided to take the walk towards Honeysuckle Farm. As I set out I didn’t think I would even make it to the bench but kept going and the aching eased a bit. Only took one picture of blossom on the way out.
I kept on, passing the bench where I rest and set off up the hill and passed the large house called the cottage. I managed to get to the third telegraph pole this time, views either way from that point show how countrified it is!

The next shot was the view from one of the gates I passed on the way back to the bench.
A couple more pictures before I got back to that bench for a much appreciated sit down!

After lunch I got the rest of the plants that I had into the gardens, that is until some more Tina had ordered turned up! Then I planted the very tiny plug bedding plants into slightly bigger pots!

Tina had also ordered a paving slab made completely out of recycled materials. Quite big and attractive and just right for standing on to fill the bird feeders!
Apart from a few household chores I haven’t done much else, some crossword puzzles of course, got to keep the brain active as well as the legs!
A really good obscure word to finish with today. Very descriptive!
Packthread ( n. ): A strong twine used for tying parcels.


  1. I definitely don’t seem to achieve much these days. One step forward and three back most of the time!
    It looks like really nice weather for your walk. The first pic is a really nice one of the blossom. I knew you’d make it further than the second telegraph pole. I suppose on that logic next time it’ll have to be 1 - 3 - 5! Good luck with that, you’ll soon be at the farm 😊 I have to say it does look a nice place to walk, and very picturesque.
    The only trouble with having a large garden is that you need a lot of plants to make it look pretty. And that means a lot of planting out and a lot of work! Makes me appreciate living in a first floor flat! I struggle with one houseplant.
    I like the slab, it looks quite sturdy for something recycled.

  2. It is a really pleasant walk, the traffic can be a bit loud but I only saw three other pedestrians once I was out of the town.
    The beds in the gardens are looking a bit more established now, but still plenty of spaces!
