Wednesday 31 March 2021

Toiling but not a lot to show for it!

No ducks this morning although I could hear them in the park and as I was coming indoors they flew over the garden. Took a picture of some of the flowers in one of the beds as things are looking good at the moment.

I went up to the area I was working on yesterday and was going to start clearing round the stepping stones leading up to the garden bin.
I made a start and soon decided that the tree stumps that are by the bin needed to be removed. It is a wonder that they haven’t tripped me up before now, have had a couple of near misses!
Not one of by best ideas, by lunch time I had been removing dirt and using the saw and had a bit of movement on the smaller stump?
I managed to get that one out and had told Tina that I would leave the bigger one. But....once one was out it seemed like a good idea to continue! It wasn’t. It was getting hot and I gave up eventually, leaving a big hole to trip into as well as exposing the stump. The removed one is next to it.
A bit later in the afternoon I had a wander round the front garden to see what needed doing and took a couple of flower shots.

The anemones on the lawn are just delightful.
This evening when I was taking the fox food out the two resident gulls were on the wall of the walled garden, I talked to them and got my phone out, they were not a bit perturbed!

It has been really hot today, supposed to be way cooler tomorrow.


  1. I hope the ducks decide to come back, it’s not everyone that has ducks in the back garden.
    The garden is looking really good. Specially now there is a lot of colour showing. Even the little daisies on the lawn look nice. When you think what it was like when you first moved in, it is so much different now. A lot of hard work has gone into it though.
    You really shouldn’t be digging those roots out! You’re a bit of an old biddy these days with half your joints and limbs not working! You really need to get the man of the house out there to sort it out for you.
    Love the last pic. You always manage to get a good evening shot of something.
    Definitely going to cool down tomorrow. They’re on about wintery showers for Monday!

    1. I know, about time I started acting my age! Maybe tomorrow!
      Lock down hasn’t been all bad, I am sure a lot of gardens in the land have had attention lavished on them! Will be nice when I can jump on the bus and leave it behind for a day though!
      That pair of seagulls are part of the family now, I wonder if they will raise another baby this year.
