Sunday 28 March 2021

Short entry on Eat an Eskimo Pie Day!

Nothing much to report today. Have been doing more sorting on and off, getting to me a bit as I still have loads of stuff to go through. How nice it would be to have a minimalistic mentality with no hobbies!
The first Grand Prix of the season turned out to be an exciting one, should be a very competitive year.
I walked down to put an envelope in someone’s house this evening and took some pictures for the blog.

Hopefully I will do something other than sorting tomorrow!


  1. Well I’m afraid I can’t see you as a minimalist! Plus you and no hobbies doesn’t go together either. You’re very good at sorting though 😊
    I have to agree about this seasons F1, should be good.
    They look really nice flower beds. Very colourful.
    I’m sure you’ll do something as well as sorting tomorrow. You have the bug now!

  2. The town is kept looking good by the Council and HUG.
    The bug may be waning a bit!
