Wednesday 3 March 2021

A walk along Bridlington sea front.

It was good that the weather wasn’t too special today, it has been really quite cold. I don’t usually relish it getting colder but Tina had an appointment in Bridlington and if the weather had been better I probably wouldn’t have gone along as people seem to think the Covid restrictions don’t apply at the seaside! We parked at the harbour car park, Tina headed into the town and I set off along the promenade. There was an interesting display by the car park, two photos of that, the later one was from higher up. It wasn’t busy along the front and the promenade is very wide so no need to get close to anyone.

You can see from the empty car park it wasn’t overly busy. Tina said it was pretty busy in the town so I picked the right direction for my walk.
This afternoon I have done quite a bit of the jigsaw and then took the card I had made to Sarah and David. Sarah put a couple of chairs outside and we had a socially distanced, masked chat for a few minutes! She seemed very happy with the card which is good.
Years ago I started reading a book called A Cure For Serpents, the book has long gone but I have never forgotten the title.Managed to get hold of a copy which arrived today. I will read it after I finish my latest Marple novel.
World Wildlife Day today.
Will finish with another obscure word.
Glottogony )n.): The scientific study of linguistic origins, and how they form.  The beginnings of language itself.


  1. Well it’s odd to say glad the weather was bad for you, but in this case that’s good. Glad you got out somewhere else for a little break. It makes all the difference. Also gives you chance for different pics.
    I quite like the lighthouse on the grass. I see it’s all done properly with bricks and slabs. Bet it’s fun for whoever cuts the grass!
    It looks a bit dismal there in the pics, but not too bad. Obviously the Covid spreaders aren’t very hardy 😊 I hate to think how crowded the seasides are going to be in the summer if we’re allowed out! Good job you have a big garden. You can relax out there in peace.
    Glad Sarah liked the card you made for her. I knew she would as it looked very good. You worry too much 😊
    The face on that book looks like it’s seen a hard life! You really are into the reading these days.
    You’d think a scientific study of linguistic origins would pick a much simpler word to describe it!

  2. It was good to have a walk somewhere different, not too many folk and they did seem to be out for a bit of exercise. Not sure why the town was busy but Boyes and The Yorkshire Trading Post were open, both big general stores, and I think a few take away places were open.
    Looking forward to trying the book, autobiographical and wel written by the reviews.
