Monday 22 March 2021

National Goof Off Day

A day to be silly and leave the work until tomorrow, sounds like one to remember!
I went out fairly early to post some letters and then again a bit later to collect my prescription and look for a birthday present for a friend in the paper shop. They do have a lot of jewellery and ornaments in there,
Then I planned to get some weeding done in the walled garden, one reason being that it looked a mess and the second being that when the weeds get big frogs sometimes shelter under them and I would be beside myself and not garden again if I damaged a frog!
In the end I spent most of the day on and off tidying the area up as well as the weeding. I had a very small cutting off one of the yuccas a couple of years back and it has grown really well, so I have now planted it out in the bed where the fruit bushes are.
Paul, the handyman who has done a couple of jobs for us came to tidy the laurels in the parish hall grounds and then to put up my butterfly mosaic picture. He had got battens and brackets as he was worried about the weight. It is now looking good in the summer house.
I did pop out to the shops again this afternoon, got a few plants in Countdown to go in a couple of planters in the walled garden and then along to Boyes to get some yellow ribbon for Tina. Got the plants in and then finished tidying for today and packing everything away,
I helped Tina with yellow bows and helped her decorate the cross in the front garden ready for the Day of Remembrance tomorrow, a year on from the Covid outbreak and lockdown.
I had thought ai would make a start on repotting the bonsai trees today, so maybe tomorrow!


  1. I have one of those days quite often!
    The walled garden looks so much better in the after picture. A pleasure to sit out there with a nice cup of tea and a cake. Did you see any frogs while you were tidying up?
    Looks like you had nice weather to do it in, which is always good. Another productive day for you.
    The mosaic looks nice in the summer house. Adds a bit of colour on that back wall.
    I can’t believe we’ve spent a whole year with this Covid. Hopefully it won’t be much longer, fingers crossed.

    1. No, didn't see any frogs and no nasty surprises left by the cats, which was good!
      I will try to keep it tidy now but with the actual gardens to keep on top of it tends to become a weedy dumping ground!
      I am so pleased to have the mosaic up again, it has done a lot of travelling with me!
