Monday 15 March 2021

National Shoe The World Day

Strange National day today but looking it up or is to raise awareness that over 500million people in the world to not have a pair of shoes and have to walk barefoot whatever the terrain and climate throws at them. Hard to get your head around those sort of numbers!
Thais morning I spent some time in the garden again, thought it was time to do the second dig on the area I started last week so that the two raised beds can be put on soil rather that the grass!
I did dig a little further at the back and then re dug the whole area. A quick hoe over and then time for a break!
Then I trod it down and hoed it again and tidied the edges a bit, then replaced the raised planters,
I watch a good program on catch up tv this afternoon, a new detective series called Grace. It was a bit of a grim storyline but very good. Pandora sat on my lap for most of the time and growled at me when I decided it was time to move!
The final stamp I ordered arrived today, it is very cute but it would not stamp properly. I have about six, maybe more cards with part images on! I did eventually get there although still had to fill in a couple of details. Printed three but have only coloured one. As it is on normal card I used the good colouring pencils. I is a very cute stamp!
Will finish with an obscure word today.
Zymology (n.): The scientific study of the fermentation process.


  1. That is a lot of people without shoes. Brings it home really when you hear numbers that big.
    That bit of garden looks really good now you’ve dug it again. Looks nicely turned and tilled. Looks like it should be used for some sort of vegetables.
    You should know by now that Pandora doesn’t like you to move when she is comfortable. In fact she just doesn’t like you to move at all, unless it’s to feed her 😊
    The new stamp is very cute, shame it proved such an awkward thing to print. With it being a new stamp could it be it needed a good clean? Could have grease or something on it that stopped the ink gripping to it. Not that I know anything about stamping, unless it’s my feet 😊
    Zymology, like that.

    1. It is a staggering number of shoeless people, does make you think!
      I am planning to plant veg in the two raised boxes. We bought this at a boot sale and they are pretty sturdy quality.
      I did wash the stamp in desperation but it stamped better when I put a drawing pad underneath it instead of it just being on the table.
      A very pleasing sounding word today.
