Thursday 25 March 2021

International Procrastination Day

Don’t need a special day for that one!
This morning Sarah and David came round to the walled garden so that Tina could take a video of David talking about his voluntary work. That went very well and they went home happy. 
Tina and I had a short trip to Beverley this morning, we went to The Refill Shop and had a look round. It was remarkably quiet for Beverley on a sunny day!

There were lots of spaces in the little car park that is near the town centre, so that was a bonus too. I took a couple of pictures of interesting window displays, not open shops of course although hopefully they are all gearing up for trading again soon.
We had a take away sandwich and cuppa, while we were sat on a bench enjoying them Sal And Carol came up behind us, that was good as I was able to say that ai would like a haircut when they reopen, I will just have to test them to arrange it. We came home then as Tina had an online meeting to go to this afternoon.
Before we went out the Ringtons man had been so we stocked up as he isn’t calling for a month now, one of the specials was a tea cup and saucer planter. I have seen them in ceramics before but these were terracotta so for indoor or outdoor use. Really attractive and only £10. I have seen the ceramic ones at £25 or more.
This afternoon I decanted some of the mealworms and peanuts for the birds into containers, have a fairly good supply in at the moment, 
The extra bonsai soil arrived today so I spent a couple of hours getting the rest of the trees pruned and repotted. They are looking pretty good at the moment and just budding.
Have had a bath this evening and Pandora came in for her shower as usual. She is a funny little girl!
Not sure what the weather is going to be like tomorrow but ai have a few more plants to find homes for and the weeds are appearing at quite a rate now,


  1. So now Tina is a videographer as well as everything else. You certainly have a household with various talents in it.
    Glad you both managed to get out for a little trip today. Beverly is a really nice place. As you say not very busy for such a nice day. The window displays are very nice. Looks like a fair bit of effort has gone into them. I particularly like the one with the fairground horse in the window. You may have only had a sandwich and a cuppa, but it’s still nice to get out for something. I’m looking forward to the time when I can go out and have a meal and a cuppa. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer now, fingers crossed 🤞🏻
    I like your cup and saucer planter that you’ve got from the Ringtons man. What are you going to put in it?
    Glad you finally got the bonsai finished, that’s a good job out the way for another year. I know it’s not one of your favourite tasks, so out the way is the best place for it.
    I hope the weather does turn out nice for you tomorrow, but that probably means you’ll be slaving in the garden most of the day. So that’s not so good.

  2. It was a good little outing, a pretty place to walk and window shop even though most of the shops are closed.
    Haven’t decided what will go in the planter yet, needs to be something pretty though.
    Pleased to have got the trees done before they are fully going into leaf. I had a few extra pots this year so was more organised. Fingers crossed I haven’t pruned any too hard!
    The gardening may not be good for me but the fresh air is!!
