Friday 12 March 2021

Garden, birds and cards!

I did go out in the front garden for over an hour this morning, very windy and pretty cold but I got quite a few of the bedding plants into the large main bed and also roughly hoed it again. Quite a few bulbs will be opening soon so in a couple of weeks it should look a picture.

The path to the garden bin was getting quite weedy so hoed around it a bit to stem the flow, so to speak, that made my already painful shoulder ache even more!

In the last couple of days I have had a box of suet pellets and a sack of peanuts arrive for the birds. So got them down to the greenhouse and spent some time getting them into containers. Pretty well stocked up for a week or two!
I went and sat in the summer house for a while, I had noticed that the new feeders had both been used and thought I may get a picture of a bird on one. Got three cute pictures of a blue tit.

And then one of a great tit on one of the new feeders, result!
This afternoon I used the die cutting machine and made some Easter cards.
Today is National Alfred Hitchcock Day.
I hope I will get out into the garden and get more of the plants into the beds.


  1. That’s quite a bit of a difference for just over an hours work. The front bed is looking colourful and the sign still looks damn good. In fact when pictured from the front like that the whole place looks really nice.
    That’s a lot of wildlife food in your greenhouse. I would hope it would last for more than a couple of weeks! It’s like having your own little mini wildlife sanctuary, and probably costs as much too 😊 The bird pictures are really cute tonight. They certainly look healthy, but all that protein from those mealworms probably helps 😊
    The Easter cards are lovely. You must have a enough made now. Soon be time to start on the Christmas cards! The years do you seem to roll round very quickly these days.
    National Alfred Hitchcock day and I’ve been talking about The Birds, spooky!

    1. I did revarnish the sign last year, it is keeping well so far. The garden does look pretty good now, but this is the season for the weeds to take off at a pace!
      Had to order fox food today as well, that isn’t in the greenhouse at the moment.
      Lovely seeing the birds, and even better when I get a decent photo.
      I enjoyed making those cards, I have another stamp ordered that hasn’t arrived yet.
