Monday 8 March 2021

International Women’s Day

It is also National Proofreading Day. I tried that nice when I was working on book layouts over fifty years ago, not as easy as it sounds, I think it is a long training process. Just looked it up, says it can take about five months! You actually correct the mistakes without realising it!
I have had an indoor day today, a couple of loads of washing and then trying to start sorting my craft stuff so that I can actually do some craft without tripping over stuff or just can’t find what ai need! I have so much stuff and I have already filled all the space ai have! Can’t even get rid of stuff at the moment, the charity shops will be overloaded when they re open.
I had some lovely yellow roses a few weeks back, and I have been letting them dry naturally. So now I have some of them in a vase, I have dried roses before and they still look attractive.
Two years ago this week I was in Peterborough. Remember those times when we could actually travel? This was in Ferry Meadows.
Now, not so much an obscure word as one that has a different meaning now.
Cadet  ( n. ): A younger son or daughter.


  1. Now I think of it you do automatically correct mistake when you read. The brain is amazing how it can work things out with such little information. It really must be hard to train your brain to do the opposite. I struggle with reading, so I’d stand no chance proofreading! 😊
    Glad you had a day without gardening. Give your body time to recuperate before the next session. Sounds like you’ve kept yourself busy. It’s amazing how quickly empty spaces fill again once you’ve cleared them. I can’t see how the charity shops will be able to take half the stuff they’re going to be flooded with. You better get in there quick once the reopen.
    The roses look quite nice. I’d imagine they’re extremely brittle.
    I do vaguely remember the days when we could travel and visit places other than our own lounges! Maybe those days will return....maybe 🤞🏻

    1. It has been a damp day with some rain, so not good for gardening, but good for the plants I have moved around!
      The roses are quite brittle but okay as long as they are left alone!
      The hands are less painful now so it was good to give the garden a miss, hive felt very tired too!
