Sunday 7 March 2021

Plant Power Day

For once a UK special day, the first one was in 2018, the aim to get everyone to put plant based food and drink first in their eating and drinking habits. Not sure how well that is doing, but it is early days!
Today I decided to tackle the area where the two raised beds are. Didn’t plant anything in them last year and that area is the most weed concentrated in the garden. A lot of ground elder and the ones with very long tap roots plus of course the added difficulty of tree roots! I moved the wooden frames so the I could dig properly underneath them. The weeds are only just breaking the surface so it doesn’t look that bad, looks can be deceiving!
The next picture is where I had got to after about an hour and the one after that the amount of roots I had removed!
After a break in the summer house with a nice coffee I carried on, so a picture of where I am now and the next impressive pile of roots!
It will need to be dug again as I am sure to have missed plenty! The digging wasn’t too bad but lifting the fork when it was fighting with the roots has ended up with my thumb joints and wrists being very sore, hopefully they will settle before too long! When I was taking cart loads of rubbish up to the garden bin I spotted this white crocus amongst the snowdrops, very pretty.
I wrote a couple of letters before getting dinner and have finished off another Easter card this evening. Very weary now so going ai will stay awake for the two programs I want to watch tonight!


  1. I’m not sure about the plant power day, but I suppose cows eat plants and if I eat cows it’s nearly there. Better than nothing.
    That’s a lot of roots for a little bit of garden, no wonder you struggle so much with it. Really hard work by the looks of it. Can’t say I’m surprised your thumbs hurt after digging all that out. Hope you don’t suffer too much because of it tonight. Hopefully the second digging of it won’t be quite so hard. After doing all the hard work you should’ve roped someone else in to take the rubbish out the front to the bin.
    The Crocus does look nice, they are quite pretty flowers.
    Hope your feet are up while you’re watching your programs. I’m enjoying Throw Down.

  2. It felt like a lot of work with not much to show for it. But with it I think! Will get that garden sorted eventually, maybe!
