Sunday 28 February 2021

Public Sleeping Day! Plus a rising moon!

I have spent quite a bit of time in the garden again today, carrying on working on the area that I started yesterday. This bed had loads of the Spanish bluebells which we are trying to eradicate, I have planted some English ones now so hopefully we will be seeing those as well this year. I did a fair area, have almost half a cart full of mainly bulbs and some roots. Have now planted the ones I dug up which I wanted to keep. It is a bit of a task but will be worth it to have removed the established weed roots and the bulbs.

The position of the sun had moved considerably by the time I was finished! I did then sit in the summer house for a bit and managed to get some reasonable shots, particularly of the long tailed tits.

Apparently the sea front has been heaving today, which doesn’t surprise me. I suggested to Tina that we go down to the sea front and have a walk after dinner and before Throw Down. Took this photo of some fishermen’s not then realising that something much more exciting would happen!
We climbed up some steps before heading back and it looked like the sun was setting, but we knew it was too late for that! Then we realised that it was rising and it was the moon! Neither of us have ever seen the moon rise before so it really was quite a thrill. Trying to capture it with the phone was difficult, but I will post a couple of the results.
Have watched Throw Down, which was good and interesting. May have an early night and read so I have the energy for more gardening tomorrow!


  1. What you’ve done looks really good. It’s not the easiest of gardens to dig with all the roots and weeds, so little and often is good. I love the roots on that tree. They do look good above the ground like that.
    Nice to see you got a bit of time in the summerhouse and it wasn’t all slaving away. Good to see some wildlife pics again. Love the fourth on of the two birds on the feeder. I’d crop that a bit and print it.
    Fishermen have got no sense! I know because I used to go fishing a lot myself 😊 Well worth taking the time to go there this evening with the moonrise. Can’t say I’ve ever seen it myself either, but over the sea gives it a much better effect. Definitely not bad pics for a mobile phone.

    1. The walk by the sea and the moon rising was definitely the icing on the cake, so to speak, but a pretty good day anyway as I achieved a bit in the garden and was really pleased to get the shots of the long tailed tits, I am so pleased that they are visiting the garden now, very few people around this evening by the sea, definitely out of bounds now in the day when the weather is good!
