Wednesday 10 March 2021

Damp but quiet walk!

I decided today was the day to take a walk to the sea front because the weather was horrid! Anyone would think I was trying to avoid the crowds! It was drizzly and the wind was getting stronger, but a good time to walk if you don’t want to be bumping into crowds of visitors. I walked through the memorial garden and the flowers are beginning to open. The flower beds were like mud banks in the winter.
Some pictures from the front, I had expected the sea to be really rough but it was grey and cold looking but not very lively.

I had a hot chocolate, had taken a plastic bag to sit on! I sat at the chess table!
I walked further along the front to head home a different way.

I decided to walk a little way along the Trans Pennine Trail.

Walking along Witty’s passage back to the town I spotted this tree with blossom. Slightly out of fox au but think it is quite an attractive photo anyway!
The polyantha plants in the front bed at the house are really bursting into colour, they were ones that were discarded by the council last year.
This afternoon I bit the bullet so to speak and decided to try and get the stitching right on the large table runner I started a while ago, I changed the thread and that was the problem, so I was able to continue with the free motion quilting. It is surprisingly hard as you are guiding the material all the time, it took me over an hour to complete the quilting. I took a photo of the back as well as the top as it is hard to make out the stitching on the patterned materials.

Then I cut several strips of material and sewed them together to make the binding. Will endeavour to attach it tomorrow!

Today is International Day of Awesomeness, so hope you are feeling suitably awesome today!


  1. Good idea going out while the crowds are staying in. Doesn’t actually look that bad in the pics, and the sea is definitely calmer than I thought it would be. Good thinking taking the plastic bag with you. Much nicer than a wet bum 😊 I quite like the pic of the drink on the chess table. What is the column in the sixth pic?
    The red building on the TPT and the garden looks extremely well looked after. Very neat and tidy. Nice place to sit in better weather without restrictions.
    Witty’s Passage is a good name 😊 I really like the out of focus blossom. You’ve thrown in a few artsy pic tonight.
    The council are wasteful throwing out good plants like that. But they look good in your garden so their loss.
    I think the time spent on the quilt was well spent. Looks lovely. I think the free motion gives it a great effect, shame it’s such hard work. It’s a lot of twisting and turning to do all that. Bet your arms ache! Full size one will be a nightmare. I look forward to seeing the finished item tomorrow.
    Awesome is pushing it a bit, average is more like it 😊

  2. You can see from the photos that there weren't a lot of people about, which was the general plan!
    The column marks the start of the trail.
    The council empty the beds every year, but the polyanthus come back into flower year after year. June from HUG was given them and passed some on to me.
    Hopefully I will manage the binding of the quilt without too much hassle.
