Tuesday 16 March 2021

Hornsea Priority Post Box!

A damp, grey morning so just the right day for a walk to the sea front! We have had disruption in the town for weeks now as they have been putting in the cables for better internet reception. At the moment they are working in the area of the main post box, I’m fact it’s is now marked as a priority post box and still open for business. The trouble is you have to move a barrier to get to it!
Walking down to the sea front I took a photo of more of the ongoing work, moving away from the town centre now.
Quiet at the front as it was damp and pretty chilly this morning.

I went into the Factory Shop on the way home Tina wanted some batteries and I got some toiletries. I dropped those off at home and then went out again as they had some nice pinks at the pet shop.
After lunch the weather brightened up a bit so I got the new plants into the garden and also one of the reduced plants we got at the garden centre last week. Then I made a drink and went down to the summer house for an hour. Pandora sat on my lap for a while out there, she is becoming more of a lap cat these days.
I did get a few nice pictures of the birds.
Nice to see the sparrows for a change.
An old friend and then the little wagtail.

That is one of the long tailed tits and I will add the next photo because it caught one of them disappearing!
Talking of old friends, I think this is Scruffy that I got fond of last year when it was feeding its fledglings.
Last bird photo today is a rather nice one of a young chaffinch.
I have coloured the other tow cards that I stamped yesterday. Feeling a bit weary so doubt I will do much more this evening.
Today is National Panda Day!


  1. That is funny. Anybody would think they didn’t want you to post a letter. You would’ve thought they would’ve left a gap of some description so you could get to it. The good old British workmen 😊 but you like a challenge.
    Very quiet at the seafront. But it’s always nice to have it to yourself. You won’t be doing that once we get a bit of decent weather as the hoards will descend!
    More flowers! The garden is going to look really pretty once everything has bloomed.
    Loving all the wildlife pictures this evening. You really have got the knack of catching them just right on those feeders. The out of focus background just makes them stand out even more. A really good selection tonight.
    The cards turned out fine in the end considering you had a job getting them to stamp properly. Well worth the effort.

  2. It turned out really pleasant this afternoon although the wind still had a chill.
    The works have been causing chaos for weeks now,but hopefully they will soon have the whole town ready for the upgrade.
    Yes, pleased with the wildlife pics today, we get a lot of pleasure from our feathered visitors.
