Saturday 31 October 2020

New shop in town, bad timing!

I went to post a letter and collect my new prescription for my blood pressure. Noticed that the gift shop has opened today in the place where the sewing shop was. I took the picture on the way to the post box and called in on the way back.
It is lovely inside and I bought a few bits and wished the guy well. A picture of a couple of items.
Tina put the painted pumpkins on the church step to sunbathe!
I started a bit of colouring this afternoon, still using my lovely pencils from America. I had a large delivery of wild bird food, and fox food! So had a while in the greenhouse getting it into containers.
Blue moon tonight, it is very bright. I tried zooming more and more, had difficulty keeping the camera still!
Tina was manning the pumpkin trail at the church and took this picture when I took her a cup of tea.
First voting night for Strictly this evening,


  1. That’s a shame about the shop. Bit devastating after going to all that trouble ☹️ I like the things you bought from there. Hopefully others will do the same.
    So did the pumpkin sunbathing work, are they glowing this evening? They certainly look very colourful. How did the pumpkin trail go?
    Did you use the monopod to help you steady the camera? They don’t look bad at all to me.
    All questions tonight. Enjoy Strictly.

  2. Sadly they didn’t glow, but I think they attracted positive comments though. A family came while I talked to Tina and they seemed to be enjoying looking for the pumpkins. There were six to find at all the different churches in the town,
    Yes, I did use the monopod, but still difficult to keep focussed!
