Wednesday 14 October 2020

Making masks

Tina took this photo when she came up last night, Pandora is usually on the back of the chair but last night decided to be a lap cat for a little while.
I went to the shops this morning, wanted some wrapping paper and to see if they had any quilting wadding left in the shop that is closing. They didn’t, but worth asking. It is nearly empty in there now. Before that I had gone out early to post a letter and had taken a photo of the sky.
When I went out to feed the birds took a picture of the large pampas, seems to be pink and is taking ages to open properly.
Spotted a different clump of fungi, they have flourished in this wet spell.
Tina explained that the squares round the crows could be removed, so did that and they look mush better. Have put the other tow on the cd cabinet in the bedroom.
Tina has been poorly today so has spent a lot of time in bed resting. I think she is feeling a little better this evening, I have been making masks and managed to get eight made today which I am pretty pleased about. I did make three yesterday which are on their way to the recipient.
Darren was going down to have fish and chips by the sea, he asked me but ai had just eaten a bowl of my vegetable stew. I went with nine though and had a cup of tea. A chance to see the sea!
Took this one in the car on the way home.
Watching Portrait Artist of the Year, they are so good!


  1. Looks a bit more comfortable for you with her on your knee rather than in your neck!
    Like your early morning pic. Good clouds.
    The crows really do look good. They were a great buy by Tina. Can’t see them ever being removed 😊
    You have a great little mask factory on the go there. They’re going to be very useful for quite some time yet. Hope you’re keeping track of how many you’ve made altogether.
    You’d have had plenty of room for Fish and chips as well as the bowl of stew. You’ve got way more willpower than me 😊

    1. Pandora is back at my neck tonight!
      You are right, the crows won’t be going anywhere!
      Pleased with today’s masks, will have to work out how many I want to give people.
