Sunday 25 October 2020

Two looks at the sea!

Yesterday I enjoyed Strictly, had a friend keeping me company!
Pandora spends a lot of time at the back of my chair, funny creature!
Also yesterday evening I made up one of the pinwheel decorations, very fiddly as the pigeon is fixed with tiny half inch pins! Very pretty though, I enjoyed doing it even though my fingers were going regally numb!
Because we had so much rain during the night Darren and I thought we would just go and have breakfast at the little cafe on the front, we were there at 7.40 am and it didn’t open until 8.30 am so we went to the boot sale after all after I had taken a couple of photos!

It was very muddy there, we just had a take away cuppa and walked round as we decided to go back to the cafe afterwards and have breakfast there. I got a great tray, a fabulous bamboo rake which will be great for clearing the leaves, a couple of other bits.

Have never seen a tray like that before, I will sort out some favourite photos to put in it. 
I watched the Grand Prix with Darren and Tina and saw Lewis get the world record number of wins.well done Lewis. Then I went for a short ride out with Tina, she had a couple of visits to make but went to look at the sea from a different vantage point.

When she parked up on one of the visits we were in front of this house with the fabulous door knocker!
Made dinner, including crumble and relaxing for the evening now.


  1. Wasted you money buy cat beds! They are pernickety things. Can’t be that comfortable up there. The decoration looks nice. Perfect for Christmas, if we have one this year!
    Glad you got to the boot sale after all. Nice bargains too. I’ve never seen a tray like that. It’ll make it interesting for your meals. I’m sure I’ve got some coasters very similar to those hidden away somewhere.
    Two trips to the sea in a day, that’s showing off. Both trips produced some nice pics too.

    1. Lovely day to get two glimpses of the sea. The morning did turn out well in the end, looking forward to sorting out photos for the tray.
      Pandora is on another chair, next to me for a change!
