Monday 26 October 2020

Filey Bird Park, last visit this year :-(

This morning I did some general sorting in the house as Tina and I are off to Scotland for a couple of days tomorrow. I got dinner on the go and did go out to the post box for a change. There is a bush in the front garden which has white berries and is quite stunning, don’t know what it is!
I told Darren I would make a cake, so did!
When Tina has finished a few last minute work chores we set off for Filey Bird Garden, we love it there but they had a new exhibit which we were keen to see.

Those pics taken through glass and it was wet but you can see he is a beautiful cat.
Lots of fun Halloween displays around the park!

We fed some animals, the donkeys are delightful and so gentle!
Tina spent a while talking to this lovely bird who was responding with purring type noises.
And this is just a nice picture of another bird!
The last two pics from the park and a bit silly!

No more to be said there!
We had some delicious soup at Eastfield garden centre for lunch and took a couple of shots of Christmas displays.

Lovely sky on the drive home, these were taken from the moving car.
The bird park closes for the winter this coming weekend and opens again next Easter. We intend to get season tickets next year as we both really love going there.
I had put a stew in the slow cooker this morning and we all enjoyed it this evening,
Almost packed and ready for out adventure tomorrow.


  1. Off to Scotland for a couple of days alright for some 😊 It’ll be nice to have a break even if it is a short one. Hope the weather stays fine for you both. Darren will probably be glad to see the back of you both for a couple of days, and he has cake, so he won’t starve 😊 Looks a very nice cake actually.
    Wow, that cat is gorgeous. Even I like that and I’m not the worlds biggest cat lover. It’s stunning. That place does look very nice. You’ll have to wait a while before you can get back for your next visit though. Some of their Halloween displays are great too. Cute animals to feed as well. I want to go there.
    More Christmas displays at the garden centre. I’ve not really seen many yet, which is probably a good thing. Humbug!
    The last two pics are off 😊

  2. It was a lovely visit, very muddy but it didn’t spoil out time there.
    Yes, the cat really is stunning I am sure he will be very popular.
    Getting excited about our trip now, hopefully lots of pics this week!
    I was pretty pleased with the last two photos.
