Tuesday 20 October 2020

Leg killing cooking!

I had got three packs of mince out last night to defrost with the plan of doing some freezer cooking today and also to make dinner using some weird rolls we had rather that throw them away! So the whole morning was taken up, I sat while preparing all the veg but mostly was standing and I cannot stand for more than a couple of minutes before the legs begin to really ache! It is not just the cooking of course but the mountains of washing up you manage to generate! I managed to time it so that the cottage pie and the roll concoction went into the oven together,
Cleared up the chaos and then made the lasagne.
There are now ten ready meals in the freezer and the dinner was well received, in fact it was very tasty.
I was really struggling by then, decided not to go in the garden today but caught the bus both ways and had an hour at Freeport. Only went into one shop and then had a nice pot of tea. Sitting on the bus to come home and this tree was just by where it was parked.
Haven’t done much since I got home and not intending to either, will finish with a couple of photos from two years ago that came up on 
Google Photos.


  1. Well I have to say the results of your cooking do look very nice. I could easily tuck into any of those any time! It’s a shame doing stuff like that makes your legs so bad, but it’s a lot of standing around when you’re working in the kitchen. As for the clearing up, I think it’d be only fair that if you do the cooking then someone else should do the clearing up 😊
    Good idea to give the garden a miss and go for a short trip instead. I know it means being on your feet, but at least the bus takes the strain both ways.
    Like the two pics at the end. Very nice, and very colourful.

  2. When the results are enjoyed it makes it worth it, I hate that I can’t stand for any length of time, it is embarrassing when I see people out and about and they want to chat!
    Had an awful lot of gourds a couple of years ago, pity I have never cracked the drying!

  3. That made my day, a laugh to go bed on! 🤣
