Monday 12 October 2020

Bus to Withernsea and my printed Christmas card!

I decided to catch the bus to Withernsea today so went to the shop early to make sure there was stuff in the house for Tina’s lunch. There is a solitary red rose in the front garden, a little bedraggled but a lovely colour.
The bus journey to Withernsea is over an hour, it detours off course to pick up from two holiday parks. For over half of the journey I was the only person on the bus!
I wandered along the Main Street after looking at the sea and even going onto the beach for a few minutes. A selection of photos, makes a change from Hornsea.

The bus journey home was good again, I did have lunch, lovely fish and chips before heading back. There were four of us on the bus to start but everyone else got out after about ten minutes, so all to myself again. When I got home my printed Christmas card had arrived, I am pleased with it. If you get a card from me look at it and then forget it!!
I bought some material in Withersea and some I ordered arrived today as well, so have washed it all and will be making some more masks.
Will go and see Sarah and David for a while this evening, best go while I am still allowed to!


  1. Glad you got out for a while again. Much better for you than pulling weeds or digging ๐Ÿ˜Š Really good getting your own personal bus too. Makes you wonder how they can afford to run then.
    It is nice to see pics of a different place, but the castle turrets on the front do look familiar so I’m guessing I’ve seen pic of that place previously.
    I’m so jealous of your lunch. Fish and chips in a seaside town is one of my favourite things. I can get them here, but they alway taste so much better when eaten close to the sea. Must get up there.
    Your printed card looks good. So much easier than making every individual card too. I’ll have forgotten all about it by Christmas with my memory, assuming I’m getting one that is ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. I did go to Withernsea once with Darren and Tina and will have taken photos then as it is quite unusual. It did make a change although quite a lot of shops were shut.
    Plenty of time to completely forget the card!
