Saturday 24 October 2020

Carry on sorting!

Not a lot to report again today as I have spent a lot of the day still trying to organise the bedroom. I did go across to the greengrocers thins morning and they had some very reasonably priced pet beds! I bought one and hoped that at least one of the cats would take to it! If both took to it I would have to buy another one!
As you can see, Pandora was soon getting comfortable!
I did go outside for a bit, tidied up the tiered planter and put the violas in, looking a bit plain at the moment but hopefully they will soon flourish.
I put the rest of the primulas in the bed near Lucian’s fence.
Yesterday I bought a couple pinwheel decorations to make from the material shop that has closed today. They were only a pound each so nothing really lost if I don’t get on with them!
Other than that, have watched qualifying and pottered on in the bedroom!


  1. You spoil those cats 😊 She does look comfy though, and definitely better than the back of a chair!
    Not too much gardening today, that’s a good thing. You’ve no doubt made up for the lack of gardening with a reasonable amount of sorting though. I know you’re not one for sitting around twiddling your thumbs, and if the op goes ahead soon you might be forced to do that for a little while.
    Enjoy a bit of feet up time in front of the tv tonight.

  2. Pandora has been on the back of my chair again while I watched Strictly.
    Have the bit between my teeth with the sorting, if only I kept it that way once it is done!
    We have had heavy rain today so doubt I will be gardening tomorrow.
