Saturday 17 October 2020

Trees are lovely.........but!

I have spent a good while in the garden again today. A lot of the time gathering leaves so that I could actually see the bed where I wanted to do some planting! So many leaves and the majority are still on the trees!
I piled them up near the back of the garden on the hope that they won’t blow about too much as we need to get some more leaf bags. When I got to the bed I then dug a trench along the back of it and threw various bulbs in, the Jam method of bulb planting!
Not much else to report today, just been taking it easy since the gardening. A picture of Blue today, she is somewhat obsessed with my jigsaw boxes!
Tina did take me up to the garden centre to get some leaf bags but sadly they had sold out. Think she has ordered some on line now.
Strictly starts tonight which will be good I am sure.


  1. Knowing the size of your garden I can imagine the leaf collection is overwhelming. You’ll need a LOT of leaf bags! Hope they don’t blow about as it’d be quite demoralising.
    It’s something inbuilt with cat, they all find it hard to resist boxes of any kind. Usually bigger ones ones than that though. It looks very uncomfortable 😊
    Enjoy Strictly. It’ll be a little different this year.

  2. I will get the leaves I have gathered into garden rubbish bags for now, if they are still where I left them tomorrow!t
    A bit later Pandora was curled up behind the same box, they do mimic each other.
    Strictly, think it will be a fun series.
