Monday 5 October 2020

A different memory lane

Last night I used the die that I got at The Range last week and then used one of the large cards that I also got there. I got glue everywhere so will class this as a trial. I used the American colouring pencils again.
I also got a text from Tina saying that trouble was brewing!
This morning Tina was taking a funeral in Hull so she dropped me off at the end of Newland Avenue. I crossed the road first and went onto the offices of a student accommodation place that had taken over Newland Homes. I asked if I could go and take a picture of Titus Salt House Which I had run as an independence training hostel back in the 1990’s. The receptionist was a little surprised at my request but agreed that I could walk into the grounds.
Then I walked the full length of Newland Avenue and beyond, ended up walking for almost an hour before I stopped for coffee! Had to use the walking stick thought which I now carry in my bag in case I need it. Took a few photos, one slightly autumnal.

Tina met up with me at the end of the Avenue and we had a nice lunch before we came home.
My knee was aggravated so I sat and read my book for a while this afternoon.
This evening I visited Sarah and David and heard about their trip to Cambridge. They bought me back a couple of presents, very appropriate!
Feet up now before heading for bed!


  1. The card looks ok to me. Can’t see any stray glue. Or was it just all over you?
    That does look like trouble ๐Ÿ˜Š Did it occur?
    Nice to get out for a little trip. Shame you get the leg problems, but if the stick helps that’s good.
    I’m not surprised the receptionist was a little surprised, not a request she often gets I bet. At least they let you have a wander. I suppose you don’t look like a terrorist or troublemaker ๐Ÿ˜Š Newland Avenue is a long old trek, I remember it. Bet you were ready for the coffee and sit down. Something nice for lunch was it?
    Very good pressies for you. Everyone knows your fondness for creepy crawlies....and cats, birds, squirrels, foxes, imaginary hedgehogs........

  2. The house looked a bit scruffier but it was good to see it again, some good memories from there and some not so good!
    Don’t think the cats got into a fight, if they had been the other way round Pandora would have probably jumped on Blue!
    Had a toasted sandwich, in brown bread, don’t often get a choice of bread!
