Monday 19 October 2020

Silly start!

This morning I went to post some letters before it was really light and then went out to feed the birds. Coming back in the Sky was looking good, so a couple of rather silly shots and one without the crow!!

This morning was household chores and getting some washing done. Tina drove me down to the. Post office as I had a couple of parcels to send. The one for America wasn’t as much to post as I expected, sent it surface mail but it should get there in time for Christmas. Tina put a patch on my shoulder for me before we went out as it is quite painful today, will just add it to the list! We did drive round to look at the sea, but I didn’t get out for picture taking today.
This afternoon I did go into the garden for a while, hoes one bed and gathered some more leaves. Managed to fill an ordinary sack I found and put it with the green garden bags.
The toadstools in the bed I hoes just get bigger.
Then up near the composter there is a tree stump and that has lots of small toadstools both sides!
I didn’t stop out too long as everything seemed to be aching today and the stooping gave me heartburn, poor old croc!
I did go to the shop as I am intending to do some batch baking tomorrow, need to get prepared for being laid up......
Have been to visit Sarah and David for a while this evening and have a program to watch at nine.


  1. That looks quite good with the crow 😊
    At least you managed to cadge a lift with the parcels and didn’t have to carry them there. Another Christmas chore completed. You’ll need a list of Easter ones soon!
    Glad to hear you didn’t spend too long doing the gardening, although it sounds like you weren’t in any fit state to be doing it anyway!
    I really should do some baking, haven’t done any for a while. Not even made bread for a couple of weeks. I’ve no get up and go, it’s all gone. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day....or the day after.....

    1. Not really baking, going to stock up the ready meals, well, that’s the plan at the moment and as the mince is out defrosting better not change my mind!
      I love the crows on the window, but quite difficult to get a sky shot now!
      Good to get the overseas parcel off ingoo time.
