Thursday 15 October 2020

Bit of bulb planting and finding warmer clothes!

I was up early and out to post a letter before it was fully light. Took a couple of pictures for a change!

I found a COVID poster belonging to the Coop in the church grounds, I think they have a lot of trouble with people taking them down. It wasn’t damaged so I rolled it up and took it back to them before I came home to put the bird food out. We had some pumpkins delivered yesterday which are now in the porch, going to help Tina decorate them for the Pumpkin Trail then Churches Together are organising,
I didn’t have much inclination and my legs were aching but I spent an hour or so planting some of the bulbs that we have dug up during the year. Then I came in and did a couple of puzzles in my monthly book.
I caught the bus up to Freeport this afternoon, bused both ways today. Only had an hour there, enough time for a wander round and a coffee!
Lovely fuchsia bush there.
Putting the fox food out this evening I noticed that a new begonia I had planted had the most stunning flower.
Had a go at a fairly quick charcoal sketch this evening.


  1. I do like the early morning pics. Catching the solitary car looks quite good.
    I’m sure the oiks get great pleasure in pinching the signs. Never happy unless they’re destroying something. Suppose it’s lucky you found it in one bit. Did your good deed for the day though.
    Are you going to make pumpkin pie and soup so the innards don’t go to waste? Couple of those look quite big.
    It still tickles me that you spend time planting bulbs after you spent all that time digging them up! At least you didn’t spend too long out there toiling away.
    The sketch is good. I’m guessing the new art series gave you the urge to do that.

  2. I think we are just painting them, as different animals I think! So maybe no pies!
    Most of the bulbs we dug up were in the wrong places or two swamped with weeds. Hopefully we won’t be digging them up again!
    Yes, the art series did make me think I should try portraits again,
