Friday 30 October 2020

Quieter day

We haven’t done a great deal today, we did go up to Freeport for lunch, have done a lot of washing and went to the hall to get the pumpkins out for groups going in to carve them tomorrow. We brought some back here as Tina had sent for some glow in the dark paints for us to decorate rather than cut some. We had to put a vase coat on first, we used acrylic white and it took a long time to dry.the first picture today is a memory Tina had pop up n her phone, me having a rest as we were cleaning the house here getting ready to move in, it is three years ago.
I had forgotten what the flooring was like!
I haven’t really taken pictures today but have a couple of trip purchase ones. Got a selection of materials (need them like a need a hole in the head!) and a pattern and special material to make a shrink clutch bag! Then there is my book about The Kelpies which I have been looking through and is very interesting, and a really pretty pair of earrings.

Back to the pumpkins, we have been using the paints this evening but will need to do the second coat in the morning!
A couple of butternut squashes there as the local shops had run out of pumpkins!
I was supposed to be visiting Sarah and David this evening, would have been the first time for a while as we are entering a high risk level tomorrow. But Sarah has a sore throat and as I am due to have surgery soon we decided it is best to be safe than sorry.
That reminds me about this morning as my blood pressure is still not right and I tried to speak to the prescribing pharmacist this morning to see if I should up my medication and he isn’t at work until next Tuesday. Got myself worked up then and decided to take my blood pressure when I was stressed and it was sky high! Managed to get a telephone appointment with a doctor who was absolutely lovely. He has said to take a higher dosage and ordered a prescription for me. He phoned me back again to tell me to take my readings and blood pressure machine with me to the appointment to prove that my high readings are due to White Coat Syndrome! That was so kind of him. So fingers crossed.


  1. Doesn’t seem possible that it’s three years since you moved into that house. You’ve done a lot in that time, specially to the garden. Oh the fun of it all! Hopefully you won’t have any more moves for quite a few years to come.
    Some nice materials there. As you say you don’t really need more, but you’ll put them to good use. Plus it pleases me to know I’m not the only one who buys stuff they don’t really need 😊
    I’ve never seen painted pumpkins before. Very unusual. You have one there that you’ve painted white, then it has a coat of orange. Sorry, it just amused me πŸ˜ŠπŸŽƒ They should look good when they’re glowing in the dark though. I look forward to seeing those pics.
    Sorry you’re all going into lockdown again. I hope it doesn’t effect you too much. I’m sure you’ll find plenty to do to keep you occupied if you’re stuck indoors for any length of time.
    I do hope the blood pressure problems don’t end up messing up the op in any way, that’s be a shame. Good to have a helpful doctor though.

  2. Certainly the garden is unrecognisable now from when we moved in.
    So much stuff, must start using it!
    I do hope the pumpkins do glow once they have had their second coat.
    Trying to do what I can with the blood pressure.
